The "F" word is no longer a four letter word. It is also an eight letter word...
F-e-m-i-n-i-s-t. The term feminist is associated with all that is bad related to the women's movement of the '60's and '70's. Those opposed to women in ministry often negatively associate the term with those who advocate for the leadership of women in church. The word is used to marginalize both the position and the person. Thus "feminism is a term and concept that is in need of redemption from misconception." What do you do if you are called a feminist? Don't worry about it. Embrace it. You define it!
Define it this way...if you mean by feminist that it "is the radical notion that women and men are of equal value, dignity, and worth...[and] that females and males are not only equally gifted, but also equally responsible agents in the body of Christ" then I am a feminist! Feminist, in this sense of the word then, is a very Christian term.
Do you think Jesus could have been the first feminist?
,,,a place to affirm, encourage, inform, support and advocate for Women in Ministry in the Wesleyan Church.
So...some people think that the prejudice against women in public ministry is actual sin. It is not just a mistaken idea or an ignorant point of view. It is a sin that calls for repentance. It is not unlike the sin of slavery. Christians have repented and continue to repent for the sin of slavery that was perpetrated in this country. Do you think prejudice against women in public ministry is a sin? To call it a sin is pretty heavy, don't you think? Does it require repentance? Mirriam-Webster defines repentance as: "1. to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life. 2. a: to feel regret or contrition b: to change one's mind."
What would happen if we and our church repented of this sin?
What would happen if we and our church repented of this sin?
Now You Know

Jo Anne Lyon
Have you heard? This summer The Wesleyan Church elected a woman, Jo Anne Lyon, as one of the triumvirate General Superintendents of our church. We are excited for what she brings to our church. As the founder and former CEO of World Hope International she has a worldview that I know will influence the church positively. We know that it is important that women and men, young girls and young boys have models of women in leadership. We hope that with a woman "at the top" this will be the model that our church needs to encourage women into leadership at all levels of the church. Now that you know, tell someone else.
Think of Something Radical
"Women are entitled to equality of opportunity for employment in government and in industry. But a mere statement supporting equality of opportunity must be implemented by affirmative steps to see that the doors are really open for training, selection, advancement, and equal pay." -President John F. Kennedy, 1961
Mere statements are not enough. The Wesleyan Church also needs to make sure that the doors are really open for the equality of opportunity for women. What do you think would be an affirmative step? I dare you to think of something radical!
Mere statements are not enough. The Wesleyan Church also needs to make sure that the doors are really open for the equality of opportunity for women. What do you think would be an affirmative step? I dare you to think of something radical!
A Noble Task
"Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task." -1 Timothy 3:1 (TNIV)
This scripture inspires me!
This scripture inspires me!
Prejudice Against Women
"Prejudice against blacks is becoming unacceptable although it will take years to eliminate it. But it is doomed because, slowly, white America is beginning to admit that it exists. Prejudice against women is still acceptable. There is very little understanding yet of the immorality involved in double pay scales and the classification of most of the better jobs as "for men only." (1969) –Shirley Chisholm
Studies show that although there are more women preparing to enter positions as pastors, the opportunities are limited as the pastoral ministry still seems to be "for men only." Prejudice against women shows itself in the difficulty of even being considered for a position and it is evident in the lower pay women receive when they are able to acquire a position. I am reminded that we still have a long way to go. Therefore, we as women need to support each other in this "uphill" struggle to answer God's call on our lives. We need our men to support us. It is our responsibility to educate our friends, our family and our church about the Biblical hermeneutic that supports that call. And then we need to pray that enough light will be shed on this prejudice (sin?) that some day the position of pastor will not be "for men only" but will be equally open to all persons.
Studies show that although there are more women preparing to enter positions as pastors, the opportunities are limited as the pastoral ministry still seems to be "for men only." Prejudice against women shows itself in the difficulty of even being considered for a position and it is evident in the lower pay women receive when they are able to acquire a position. I am reminded that we still have a long way to go. Therefore, we as women need to support each other in this "uphill" struggle to answer God's call on our lives. We need our men to support us. It is our responsibility to educate our friends, our family and our church about the Biblical hermeneutic that supports that call. And then we need to pray that enough light will be shed on this prejudice (sin?) that some day the position of pastor will not be "for men only" but will be equally open to all persons.
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