
Servanthood or Authority

"Of primary importance in defining the scriptural role of women in ministry is the biblical meaning of "ministry". Of Christ our great model, it was said, "For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45). New Testament leadership, as modeled by Jesus, portrays the spiritual leader as a servant. The question of human authority is not of primary significance..." The Role of Women in Ministry
The question of Women in Ministry commonly devolves into a discussion of headship and authority. The question about whether women have the right or privilege to lead is always a part of any discussion about women in pastoral ministry. Headship is usually associated with leadership, authority and power. I am always surprised about this concern since Jesus--as head of the church--is expressed in the context of Savior and the giving of Himself for the Church (the Bride). He laid down His life for His Church...actually for all people! Perhaps the discussion of rightful authority is actually a human concern...


Is it really about your hair?

"If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle."-Hillary Clinton
Whether you are or are not a fan of Hillary Clinton, the truth is that many times during her presidential run the media was more interested in her hair and her pantsuits then they were in her politics. Sometimes this happens with women in the ministry. Parishioners sometimes speak of her in terms that seem trivial and miss what she might really wish they would notice. She is often judged by a different standard than her male counterpart. No it isn't fair and it could be considered sexist. I am not sure what can be done about it. Probably nothing. Hillary did not make it all the way and some are glad she did not. However, she did make it a long way and so can you, even if people only seem to notice your hair or your clothes.


The Center for Women In Ministry

Did you know that The Wesleyan Church has a Center for Women in Ministry? Although it is located at Southern Wesleyan University, you will see as you go to The Center's website that
"contributors to the vision include general church leaders, educational leaders from all five educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church, and concerned ministers and leaders, both male and female. The Center is endorsed by the Task Force on Women in Ministry, the Wesleyan Educational Council, and the General Board of The Wesleyan Church."
Go to the website. See what resources are available. Most of all pray that The Center will be a tool that God may use to facilitate the ministry of women in the Wesleyan Church. Oh, and some money donated to The Center would be nice too. See below...
"Gifts of any size are tax deductible and will help launch this new ministry. Gifts in honor or memory of those who have served in the Church's ministry are especially welcomed. (Though this center is a cooperative venture between all the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church actual checks may be made payable to Southern Wesleyan University, marked for "Center for Women in Ministry.")
Click on this link to GIVE.



So, are you thinking about ordination? Are you wondering how to get started? Go to the Wesleyan Church's site Education and the Ministry. This is a good place to start to gather information on requirements and the path leading toward ordination. This site will help you learn about the educational options available for you to complete your course work. Contact your District Superintendent. He/She is a good resource to help you get started. Your church's Local Board of Administration (LBA) will need to recommend you to the District Board of Administration (DBA). Then the DBA recommends you to the District Board of Ministerial Development (DBMD). Once this happens you will meet at least once a year with the DBMD. They will monitor your development as you proceed through the process. Any questions?