WESLEYAN "Women In Ministry"
,,,a place to affirm, encourage, inform, support and advocate for Women in Ministry in the Wesleyan Church.
4 Reasons Jesus is My Favorite Feminist
"4 Reasons Jesus is My Favorite Feminist"!
"Women in Church Leadership – Disappointed But Not Despairing"
Excerpt from
Christians for Biblical Equality Arise Newsletter
Baptist Women Pastors Reach Milestone

"The “new woman” was not an invention of second-wave feminism either. Betty did not start the “woman movement”; Christians did. Motivated by the belief that men and women were made in God’s image to “rule the earth” together, these pro-woman, pro-justice believers sought to right wrongs for those who had less social power.
Isn’t it time we reclaimed our own story?"
Sandra Glahn, ThM,http://inamirrordimly.com/2012/02/16/womens-history-give-credit-where-its-due/
"The “new woman” was not an invention of second-wave feminism either. Betty did not start the “woman movement”; Christians did. Motivated by the belief that men and women were made in God’s image to “rule the earth” together, these pro-woman, pro-justice believers sought to right wrongs for those who had less social power.
Isn’t it time we reclaimed our own story?"
Sandra Glahn, ThM,http://inamirrordimly.com/2012/02/16/womens-history-give-credit-where-its-due/
"So when Paul says that he and his fellow apostles were present among the Thessalonians like a nurse or mother, perhaps we should understand that there is something distinctly “feminine” about leading the church of God. And, that this femininity is part of what it means to bear the image of God and manifest the presence of Christ.
Who is the Father of our Bible? Who is the Son? It is not only the king and conqueror, but the nurturer and nourisher, the one who cares for and holds close. Not only (I should say, stereotypically) “masculine” but also the (stereotypically) feminine.
It is the God who is only rightly and fully imaged as male and female. Together."
J. R. Daniel Kirk