
The Feminization of the Ministry

"The feminization of the ministry is one of the most significant trends of this generation. Acceptance of women in the pastoral role reverses centuries of Christian conviction and practice. It also leads to a redefinition of the church and its ministry...Furthermore, the issues of women's ordination and the normalization of homosexuality are closely linked. It is no accident that those churches that most eagerly embraced the ordination of women now either embrace the ordination of homosexuals or are seriously considering such a move." Albert Mohler
What do you think? Do you think that the ordination of homosexuals and the ordination of women are inextricably linked? Is there a slippery slope? If there is a slippery slope does that mean that women should not be ordained? If those who make this argument believe that homosexuals should not be ordained because of their sinful lifestyle, what does that say about the worthiness of women?


  1. I sure hope it isn't the same thing!!!

    Scripture says that homosexuality is a sin. Nowhere does it say being female is a sin. I think that in itself puts these issues on different levels.

    I can't remember everything that I read in the book "A Woman's Place". Sadly I can't even remember the author, and the book is now out of print. It was written by a male minister in the Church of the Nazarene. A lot of what he said really helped me while I was following my call into ministry.

    He made the point that there were several women that Paul refered to as pastors, using the same exact Greek word that he used in reference to men. However that word was translated as "deaconess" because of the bias of translators.

    He pointed out that in at least one instance, a woman's name was given first in the list of greetings, indicating that she was the pastor of that congregation, and Paul was acknowledging her position.

    And he stated that in the letter to Timothy, when he said he doesn't allow a woman to speak in the church, that he was dealing with a particular situation in that church, and it was never meant to be applied to all churches for all time.

    I can't argue these cases as he did in this book, and I wouldn't even attempt it if I did. But one thing I know for sure: being a woman is not a sin, and God calls whomever He chooses, no matter who thinks it is wrong.

    The Church of the Nazarene has embraced the call and ordination of women since it's founding 100 years ago. I do not know of a single Nazarene congregation that teaches that homosexuality is acceptable behavior.

    I will confess that reading this opinion by Mr. Mohler is insulting to me. It is implying that simply because I have two X chromosomes, I am contaminated, more of a sinner than a man, and that I am not capable of being "saved" enough to be used by God.

    At least a homosexual can repent of his or her sin, and become fit for service to God. What recourse do I, as a woman, have?

    Women filling the role as pastors does not in any way redefine the church and it's ministry. We are still making the word of God known to all men, we are still introducing a lost and dying world to Christ.

    During my time as pastor, I did not see any men withdraw from service because of my presence. It is true that several questioned my right to lead, that will likely always be an issue. But every man who was committed to Jesus and the church remained so committed.

    I think we need to remember that in most churches, 75% of the committed attenders are female, and this is in churches with male leadership. If men are withdrawing, it is because the church as a whole is failing to reach them, not because women are becoming pastors.

  2. I agree. It is insulting by insinuation. The book, "Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis"
    by William J. Webb helps to separate the issue of ordination of women from homosexuality. This is important as the "slippery slope" argument can be very convincing to some people.

  3. I too am working toward my ordination but have further to go than you do.
    I was kicked out of a Southern Baptist Church for filling the pulpit when the men refused to do so.
    Mu husband's Aunt Rose over 50 years ago was an ordained minister in southern Illinois. We have a long history of of ordaining women in the Wesleyan Church,
    I find it very interesting that women can go to the far corners of the globe and preach God's word but are not allowed to do so here in many churches.
    May I remind you of Joel 2:28-29
    Rebecca Graham, Clifton IL 60927

  4. It does seem like a contradiction that women may preach anywhere in the world but America! I think those in the church do seem to forget Joel 2:28-29.

  5. I disagree that it is insulting. I think the author's point is just to recognize that both women and homosexuals are perceived as threats to the historically homosexual male-dominated power base of church leadership and that tolerance can (thankfully) lead to more tolerance.

  6. of course i meant "historically HETEROSEXUAL male-dominated power base"

  7. You may be correct...each is certainly a threat to the power base. I guess it feels insulting because of the negative assumption of the homosexual lifestyle as sinful. If women and homosexuals are closely linked then is being a woman somehow in the same category?
