I don't know if you have noticed, but The Wesleyan Church has recently begun to affirm Women in Ministry more than it has for several decades. However, I believe the Church needs to begin advocating for women and move toward actually paving the way for women to find positions. This can be done by current pastors teaching/educating the people of their local churches about the Biblical foundations for Women in Ministry so that they will understand why we believe women may be ordained and take leadership in our churches. It can be done by hiring women as assistant pastors so that there is a pool of women with experience to draw from when churches begin looking for a pastor. I would like to see the boards that move people through the ordination process be aware that women are left out of the loop. It would help potential female candidates if access to ordination was more transparent. I, along with others, would advocate that the leadership of the church continue the current trend of putting women on the platform at denominational activities. I also would like to encourage the inclusion of women in pictures promoting any activity of The Wesleyan Church.
Any other ideas?
Every year when it is time to elect the Church Board our pastor does a great job of directing the votes to qualified/active members of the church. Advocating women would be as easy as a gentle reminder from him that the Board should be comprised of men and women- and making sure the nominating committee gets that message as well. There are plenty of qualified women that should be serving on the boards of our churches